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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

One Day

One day, things are going to get brighter. One day, we'll see the SON shining forth forever and ever. One day, there will be no more sorrow. One day, there will be no more pain. One day, the dead in Christ, will rise again. One day, there will be no more tears to dim the eye. One day, we'll understand it better. One day, there will be no more moon in the sky, and there will be no more sun over yonder hill -- but the entry of the Son of God in the clouds to bring an end to all things as we know it. Until then, be sober and watch unto prayer. Redeem the time. One day, there will be a new heaven and a new earth. One day, we're going to live on forever and ever. One day!

- A Meditation By A Walk In The Garden 


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